Finnish TKR coatings for challenging applications

TKR coatings represent safe, environmentally friendly and modern Finnish technology.

Join us as a TKR expert!

TKR actively organises training courses for designers, installers and property owners.

Training courses

TKR services are sustainable solutions for sealing, contaminant management and coating solutions

The story of TKR products began in the 1980s, when Toivo Kaarlo Ruti wanted to develop a healthier coating option for the internal coating of various types of pipes. The development of TKR products and methods has continued together with partners and is still ongoing.

• Sisäilmaongelmat kuriin TKR-tuotteilla – TKR Marketing

TKR products are safe

By choosing TKR products, you ensure the safety of your workers now and in the future. TKR products can also be used by installers allergic to epoxy.

Occupational diseases make it difficult for many people to work every day and cost society millions of euros more.

More information on TKR products

• Sisäilmaoireista eroon kestävillä ja turvallisilla TKR-tuotteilla – TKR Marketing

Sustainable and successful solutions

Repairs carried out using TKR methods last for the service life expectancy of the building. The properties of TKR include very good adhesion and elasticity, which enable successful repairs.

On-site TKR product training and TKR installation assistance will ensure a successful repair. Technical service life of TKR installations are up to 50 years

More information on TKR product training

TKR – vastuullinen valinta pinnoittamiseen – TKR Marketing

TKR is a responsible choice

TKR coating methods also enable a green transition in sealing and coating works. The main raw material for TKR coatings comes from a renewable bio-based raw material that is perennial and produces several harvests per year.

TKR installation methods have been in use for 40 years without causing any occupational disease. The methods are odourless and dust-free, and the coating already meets M1 class requirements at the installation stage.

Experience has shown that TKR methods are long-lasting and cost-effective, even during the lifetime of the structure. The best circular economy is to extend the life cycle of existing structures with a bio-based coating.

Read more about our values

• Kosteusvauriot – helppo asennus ja korjaus – TKR Marketing

Cost-effective and easy to install

TKR products and methods are cost-effective and easy to install. TKR installation methods have been developed together with professionals. TKR training and installation assistance services help you learn the best possible installation methods and also take into account the impact of site conditions on the installation.

The odourlessness and healthiness of TKR products allow simultaneous work on site and facilitate site organisation. The use of different colour layers ensures that the quality of the installation work can be assured. TKR products are also affordable; TKR materials for a 50mm wide airtight seal cost less than 2€/m VAT 0%.

Read more about our methods

• TKR tuotteet – koulutus, asennus ja työnjohto – TKR Marketing

Training and installation assistance

Through continuous training and installation assistance, we ensure the implementation of examination and building plans on site. Our aim is to make sure that indoor air repairs are successful on the first attempt, and that the repairs carried out last for the rest of the buildings lifecycle.

We know from experience that TKR methods are long-lasting solutions when installed correctly. On­site TKR product and application training is free of charge and the cost of installation assistance and supervision services is determined on a project-by-project basis.

Contact TKR experts

A fully domestic solution

TKR products are manufactured in Finland at the Pernaja factory. We are constantly developing our operations together with our partners. As new products, we have launched Antibacterial Coating and TKR Putty.

In cooperation with our domestic partner Spraypoxy, we are developing an installation technology for the coating of ventilation ductwork. In collaboration with Prodlib, we share the latest product and methodological information with designers, specialists, contractors and property managers.

TKR products

Benefits for the site and cost savings for the property owner

Easy to use and simple to use sealing/coating system

Easy to install and the correctness of the installation can be checked.

Allows simultaneous work on site

Clean installation, non-allergenic TKR, minimal demolition work (asbestos removal without damaging structures), short periods of downtime.

A long-lasting solution for demanding sealing, surface solutions and contaminant management

Easy to maintain and inspect over a long life cycle.