Coating and sealing of ventilation ducts
Coating ventilation ducts can be used to prevent either the entry of contaminants (spores, fibres, dust, etc.) brought into the duct by air leaks or the leakage of condensation from the duct into the structure. The coating method is suitable for steel, asbestos and brick ducts.
The coating work in the ventilation channels is done with TKR Hyytelö 2 coating. TKR coatings are M1 rated and do not release harmful odours or emissions, even during the installation phase. Installation is carried out using a rotary brush technique. Each application is carried out with a different coloured coating. Two coats will provide the necessary layer thickness for airtightness.
A total coating method covers the entire ventilation duct. Coating can also be applied only to leakage points and seams. In this case the coating area is 100mm on both sides of the leak or joint.
Working steps
- Ventilation & Air ducts – the ducts are cleaned by scrubbing.
- After cleaning, the ducts are sanded with a clean rotary vinyl brush to ensure that the duct is dust free and free of industrial grease.
- Coating with TKR Gel 2. The coating is applied in two coats with a total material thickness of 0.4mm.
- The coating is applied with a rotary vinyl brush. The material is pumped onto the brush with a pump developed for the coating work. The progress and success of the work is monitored by a camera throughout the coating process.
- Channels can also be coated by hand with a brush and roller. If necessary, the ducts can also be lined using an inversion or patching liner saturated with TKR coating.
For brick ducts, the duct is cleaned of sharp spikes from the inner surface and brushed/vacuumed to remove dust.
TKR Gel (Hyytelö) 2 fire class IV in air ducts is BiS 1.
The company carrying out the coating work on ventilation ducts must have TKR material orientation training.